- Steel Plants
- Coal Fired Power Plants
- Chemical Plants
- Cement Plants
About 550 Systems installed in China with 70 Pulsing Three Phase Systems
- Steel Plants:
Electrostatic precipitator equipment in the converter dedusting, a very dynamic process with different process steps which require completely different skills from the high voltage controller for each step.
- Steel Plants:
Dedusting of the Sinter Band waste gas, mostly with Pulsing Three Phase Systems.
- Coal Fired Power Plants:
Due to more rigid requirements to the precipitation rate of the electrostatic precipitators, they need to be improved. The most simple way to upgrade the dedusting system is to replace the single phase high voltage power supply by a Pulsing Three Phase System.
- Chemical Plants:
Wet electrostatic precipitators for removing of special dusts and aerosols from the waste gas, equipped with single or three phase high voltage direct current power supplies.
- Cement Plants:
Electrostatic precipitators, equipped mostly with single phase high voltage direct current power supplies.